Tuesday, 27 August 2013


On Saturday, I opened the kiln to see the results of my mid-fire glazing.
Epic fail.

The whole lot ruined.
I've been having kiln "issues", and the plates flattened to discs and bloated to resemble frisbees.

Market potentials no more.

Sigh. Oh well. $#*t happens sometimes when a kiln is involved. And, operator error.
My bad.
Chalked up to experience and moving on.

Hubby had fun smashing some of them with a hammer. I had to stop him going back for more.

Men... boys at heart, and can be destructive to boot - if you give them free rein, lol.

Over the past few days, I've been glazing my next batch for the upcoming markets.
Today, they were loaded into the kiln and are firing away as I write type.
This lot is earthenware, and cross fingers the results will be successful :)

In the meantime, I have linen, lace, bits n bobs out on the table by my sewing machine ready to create some lavender goodies.


I feel distracted and scattered.

So, after a cup of coffee and chocolate, and with Jack's soft, silver-blue fur keeping my toes warm, I've followed my muse - appropriately named "Alice" - down some rabbit holes into internet wonderland....

A diabolical, dangerous yet deliciously distracting and often inspirational world, where I tumble from one perilously time wasting photographic pinboard to another, until I'm lost and far from home. And, the "what needs to be done", is forgotten in a mind-fog.

Fortunately, I'm pretty controlled about looking online when home duties, clay, art, market prep etc. require attention.
But, the Gemini in me can be easily led astray in weaker moments :)
And this morning is one of them.

I should definitely be doing something far more constructive, or, at least, read a good book. But, that part of my brain won't stay still and I crave visual stimulation.

I guess I'm nervously awaiting the final hour or so of firing and hopping up regularly to time the "soak" after the cone has dropped before turning it off - it's a fickle electric.
Market day is next weekend, and this lot needs to be successful.
So, everything else is taking a back seat til I turn the kiln off.

In the meantime, do you wonder what I've been ooohing and ahhing over?
Probably not, I'm sure :)
If you are though, well, I'll spare you the multitudes I've seen, but, come with me for a short tumble and I'll show you just a few Pinterest pictorials.

Alice and the white rabbit are waiting.

Down, down, down ....

Studio Dreaming 


light, space, warmth... bliss :)

Lovely Linen



Pretty in Purple

Just because



For the love of god chocolate

Secret Gardens





Okay, ready to return to the real world?

And for me, a return to the kiln.

That was fun! Thanks for coming along and keeping me company :)
Must do it again sometime.

Friday, 23 August 2013

Foggy Friday at Ferny Creek

There's been some pea-soupy evenings on the mountain lately, and our walks have been almost dream-like in the silent, cloudy, chilled atmosphere.

Speaking of surreal, and because I'm craving some sun drenched lavender goodness right about now, here's a bit of fantasy fun ~


Have a happy weekend everyone!

Friday, 16 August 2013


My stash of luscious Lithuanian linen remnants arrived recently.

Followed a few days later by my lavender order.

So excited!
I'm loving the way the traditional, homespun material feels in my hands.
Simple, honest, unpretentious tactile goodness.
And, the lavender envelops me in a cloud of cottage garden memories.

Soon, I'll be busily making wee lavender sachets and bags for my next market.

Now that the kiln is fully loaded and cooking, I'm looking forward to working with these textural, "scentual" delights :)

My sewing skills are fairly basic and I'm no dress-maker, but I LOVE my machine and, I hope that this beautiful linen is forgiving enough to work with me to create some sweet sensory treats for my stall and of course, our home.

Have a safe, happy weekend everyone!


Monday, 12 August 2013

I love...

a sun-shiny Sunday morning after a bleak, wet, wintry week

the interplay of shadows


illuminated shimmery effects from shooting into the sun

searching for platypus in the shallows

Eastern Yellow Robins spying for tiny treats

 sorry about the graininess - sometimes, I wish I had a telephoto lens :)

the beauty of birch bark... in any season

fresh, sweet, juicy oranges direct from the grower

Wishing you all a bright and wonderful week!

Friday, 9 August 2013

Bulldozers of the Bush

image courtesy of JK Melville

The other day, I met a lovely local lady who is an Australian Wildlife Carer. And, to my delightful surprise, I also met three of her orphaned “charges”… baby Bare-nosed or Common Wombats!
Although, there’s nothing common about these fascinating marsupials*. They are unusual, unique and beautiful.

These little cuties are all around eight months old, and have their own distinct personality! 

This is the first time I have ever seen a wombat face to face, let alone been able to pet and hold one after I had happily snapped away on my camera. And what a privilege it was.

Check out these little guys, aren't they adorable?

None of these cuties are related, but they are more than content to play with, and then snuggle up to, each other in fleecy pouches hanging from their baby cot :)

C'mon out and play!

Awww, snuggle time.

Common wombats are one of three species of wombats, and are only found in southern and eastern parts of Australia, including Tasmania. They prefer cool forested, rocky/mountainous regions.
And, I'm happy to say that I now live in "wombat country".
I have seen a couple of adults ambling into the undergrowth on our walks and drives at dusk, but they are pretty elusive.

The adults are incredibly strong, stout and built close to the ground. They grow to between 90-120cm (35-48 inches) in length and some males can weigh up to 35kg (78lbs).
At these sizes, they can manoeuvre their way through most obstacles, earning them the nick name, “bulldozers of the bush”.

These claws will only get stronger and tougher – perfectly designed for burrowing into hard earth.

You can read more interesting facts on these amazing animals here

On one hand, it is a joy and a treat to be able to have the opportunity to cuddle with these wild creatures of the Australian bush. But sadly, on the other, it means that their mother has been killed.

Wombats come out of their burrows at twilight to roam and forage. Although they can be fairly quick, on the road, they are no match for trucks or fast cars.
Fortunately, there are good samaritans who, on seeing a dead wombat (or wallaby or roo) by the road, stop to check to see if it is a female, and if there is the chance of a baby in her pouch.

If there is, they can call the experts.

There are bright yellow reflective road signs throughout the countryside that have “injured wildlife” 24 hr emergency numbers to ring if one comes across, or unfortunately hits, an animal.
These will be directed to wildlife rescue and carers on call.

It's a good idea that people enter these numbers into their mobile phones, just in case.

I have a lot of admiration for the carers of orphaned wildlife. They dedicate their lives, day and night, to rearing them. Giving them a second chance, so that most can be rehabilitated and released back into the wild.

Many years ago, a tiny orphan kangaroo was handed to us by a vet nurse.
With diligence and care, we hand-reared her successfully until she was old enough to be returned to a national wildlife park.

Sometime after that, the ranger of the area, who we'd kept in touch with from time to time, told us that he'd seen "Cleo" with a joey in her pouch.
There's something incredibly satisfying about knowing she was well and had assimilated with her own mob.

I understand, if only just a little, the huge task it is to care for more than one tiny creature who relies on constant feeds and complete care.

But, the rewards are ten-fold.

So, here’s to uniquely beautiful wildlife the world over, and to their devoted guardian angels – the wildlife carers.


*Marsupial - a group of mammals that give birth to their young at an early stage of their development. After birth, the young crawl up the mother's body and into the safety of her pouch located on the abdomen.