First, I say farewell to autumn - until next year x
A lot of unusual energy is flowing right now.
I think many of you are feeling it. A little prickle or sensation of... something in the air?
You betcha!
The heightened energies of today's solstice are huge, especially as they are combined with those of the oncoming full moon and, wait for it...
Mercury, as he prepares to go retrograde on Wednesday.
Uh huh. Here we go.
So, the intense atmosphere is palpable.
And, I've a month of markets starting tomorrow. Panic has set in that I don't/won't have enough for the next four weeks, arrrgh!
Oh well. Go with the flow :)
Winter/Summer Solstice
Here's hoping all energies align well for us all.
Here's hoping all energies align well for us all.