Monday, 26 November 2012

For Tam

I'll be back in blogdom in a few days. But for now, in response to a special request from Tam...

from Jack


  1. oh my blue boy jack. little love.
    good night boy. nose kisses from across the great ocean. xxxooo

  2. don't mind me. i'm just visiting my jack again. LOL. luv, tam

  3. What a view! Both the doggy grin and the scenery behind are a delight. Thank you.

    1. And, thank you for dropping by :)

      Looking forward to your future posts - and more pics of those two beautiful black rascals of yours.
      I miss our black cat Sunny, who passed on just over a year ago - Jazz and Jewel remind me so much of him.
      He and Jack were good mates.

  4. Aw such a beautiful dog. It is very cute.

    1. Thanks Kim. He is even cuter 'in person'. A real character :)

  5. I've had two australian cattle dogs and your photo reminded me of them both, gone to doggie heaven, Blue and Bodie, now I have three cats but still miss my dogs. Jack looks happy lying there.

    1. Hi Linda :) He's a happy boy - loves going for a drive and sightseeing. A real little tourist, checking out all the weird and wonderful smells, I'm sure.

      Cattle dogs are such great characters aren't they? Wonderful, and so loyal.
      I can truly understand you missing yours.

  6. Hi, Vicki! Oh, this was sweet... Tammy's going to love this. ;o) I felt so much for you in your previous post. And I understand all the swirl on the whole Mercury in retrograde thing... it can be a really frustrating time. And it has been for me too. LOVELY to to catch up with you after returning from some travels and Thanksgiving break! It was a sweet time mostly, but my parents are both not doing too well in health and that was hard to see and leave with (I've not written about this at my place). But we did have a lot of good fun, which was great! Now though, I'm in a place of trying to find a harmony in all there is to do at the moment and still find time to enjoy the things I love to do--like painting, etc. This time of year is such a challenge in that respect! Wishing you well as you get ready for your craft show--may your sales bring enjoyment and prosperity! :o) Happy Days, my friend ((LOVE & HUGS))

    1. So lovely to know you're home safe and sound Tracy.

      Wishing you harmony amid the crazy in this pre-chrissie period :) xx

  7. What a handsome boy! We are fortunate to have a bluey live with us ( Bryn).

  8. He's a real character - west Aussie boy born and bred. Travelled many miles with us, and now we live in Victoria.

    Bryn is gorgeous! Many of his pics from your old blog reflect what Jack does - real Bluey traits! Always makes me smile :)
    Looking forward to seeing Bryn in the future over at your Notebook.

    Thanks so much for dropping by!

  9. hi dear V!
    i stopped by here first to see my jack and read all these wonderful comments. now i have even more blogs to check out!
    i want to find out what 'bluey' traits are. have never known a blue australian puppy before jack!
    i love that little west aussie boy born and bred!

    1. Haha! Bluey traits are indeed very specific to these wonderful canines :) And, there is 'just something' about them.

      Once you welcome this breed into your home - and your heart - you are forever besotted!


Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I would love to read your comments and will reply as soon as I can :)