Tuesday, 23 September 2014


We are told that September 1 is the first "official" day of spring here in the southern hemisphere.

I prefer nature's seasonal guides rather than the Gregorian calendar, and await the days when I feel the change.

Today is the vernal equinox, when day and night are of equal length. And, after a long, grey winter, it truly feels like spring has arrived.
There is a perceptible shift in the air as the wheel turns.

I'm grateful to have had the sun's gentle rays warm my cheeks on this special day.

And, at 2:30pm - as if on cue - the blackbirds burst into a strong song to herald in the new season.
Now, I think that's official  ;)

Happy spring/autumn (in the north) equinox everyone!


  1. Here, of course, autumn is just starting --- it's my favorite season, so I'm happy too. I'm glad the weather was great for you.

    1. Ahhh, autumn. I love it so - also my favourite season.
      I'm happy that I get to enjoy it personally, and then again six months later, in blogland.

      Enjoy the coming cooler weather on the north side of the world :)

  2. The equinoxes make a HEAP more sense to me. And waiting until the season tells us itself even more. And yes, a blackbird serenade would do it for me. Happy Spring Vicki. Happy, healthy, verdant spring.

    1. I knew you'd feel the same, EC :)
      And, a happy, verdant spring to you too... and your beautiful garden :)

  3. Happy equinox, Vicki :)

    It really does feel like spring now, even if you're not on the flatlands (I'm still wearing ugg boots inside though :)

    1. Thanks Sue - equinox greetings to you too :)
      And, yep, I'm wearing double socks inside, as the late afternoons/nights are still super chilly.

  4. next to autumn ~ spring is my next loved season. well. i love the bare dramatic bones of winter too!
    and the way you live so naturally . . . by your own inner calendar . . . in all things really . . . well. the best.
    give my jack a special spring hug. tell him many hours of lying in the warming sunlight are coming his way and i'm thinking of him! ♥

    1. Ah autumn. Such a wonderful time of year. We do love her golden russet beauty :)
      Enjoy the welcome, cool change, dear Tam. You've been looking forward to it, I know. And... the rain, as it pitter-patters on the roof and windows.
      Yes, Jack enjoys warming his old bones on his bed, as I move it around the back throughout the day to catch the sun.
      Spring hug delivered :)

  5. I too, had to wait, to feel the Season change... To Autumn here.... This year.

    And I like this...

    It seems nice, to let the turning of The Wheel Of The Year, speak to each of us, individually.

    Happppy Spring to you!


    1. Yes, you are very much in tune with nature also, Tessa :)
      It is a gentle, and important, way of connecting with our natural environment in this busy world.

  6. Yep, it can't get much more official than the birds singing to welcome spring! Equinoxes make sense to me, they feel aligned with the seasons in a way that a man-made calendar never could. Happy Spring, dear Vicki!



    1. Little birds, nature's heralds.
      And, a happy autumn to you, Victoria.
      Wishing a safe season on your magic mountain and thirst quenching rain clouds scudding your way...

  7. Sometimes the calendar seems out of sync what the weather is actually saying... ;o) Autumn really began here a couple of weeks ago, but according to the calendar it was this week. LOL... Wishing you beauty, renewal, refreshment and delight this springtime, Vicki! ((HUGS))

    1. I know! That's why I disregard "official" seasonal changes until I feel them - keeping in touch internally and recognising the shifts seem important to me.
      Wishing you creative and spiritual inspiration as your world up in the north gently slows and mellows xx

  8. Spring for you, fall for us. It has rained every day this week and the days are quickly getting cooler....
    I will look forward to your posting about the warm days you are having while I wrapped on a blanket:-)

    1. That's what I love about blogland - sharing experiences and, for me, having autumn twice a year when I see the gorgeous photos posted.
      Enjoy the coming snuggly weather :)

  9. I noticed on Tuesday the breeze was warm for the first time since early autumn. Cool again on Wednesday and Thursday, but I knew spring had arrived.
    Today we are having a glorious sunny day, all my clean washing smells delightful. The same is predicted for tomorrow so I'll be washing my bedding. But I'm not looking forward to the summer heat.

    1. I'm the same - I love the mild, sunny days of spring, enjoying the gentle sun with a hint of warmth for the garden and drying washing etc. But, I really dislike high summer with those horrible, sleep deprived hot nights and the harsh bite of the sun during the day.
      Enjoy the spring weather for as long as we can.

  10. Well, I will try again.
    I left a message several days ago but it's never appeared here.
    Now I'm not even sure of what I wrote besides saying that it's hard to remember that you have Spring as we have Fall here.
    well almost....84 degrees here today.
    That and the fact that I finally have a laptop and hope to start blogging again soon.
    anyway, we shall see it this comment reaches you...fingers crossed!

    1. This message came through! :)
      I was thinking about how you were going, Cindi. Glad to see you're back online.
      Warm autumn wishes to you and your sweet furbabies - hope you're all doing well :)

  11. Our bodies know. Even before our minds or hearts. The blackbirds sang! Oh, love is in the air....makes me smile, Vicki, to know blackbirds are singing...

    1. Our bodies do know, Charlene, I agree. So often, we forget that our inbuilt mechanisms are well equipped and finely tuned to the seasons, and even to the time of day.
      Yes, the blackbirds sang their beautifully melodious chorus to the world that spring has indeed arrived. It is a joy to hear their heartwarming song.
      I love these birds so...


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