Saturday, 23 August 2014


recent foggy forest morning heading up the mountain 

I want to thank everyone who read my last post and commented about the sad passing of Robin Williams.
And, also for your empathy and warmth towards me for sharing a little of what was a difficult, vulnerable part of my personal journey.
Your heartfelt words brighten my spirit ~ more than you know.

Even though it is still very cold, there is a perceptible shift in the air. The light is changing and our world here is slowly waking from its deep winter slumber.

The vernal shift, lifting the atmospheric grey.

On the mountain, the cooler air stays the blossoming just a little longer. But today, I found this generations old tree, its fragile branches heralding a welcome return to spring…

a promise of light after the winter’s dark


My posts, and comments at your blogs, might be a little sporadic as I create and prepare for the coming busy spring/summer market season. But, I will come back as often as I can and keep in touch...


  1. Your foggy morning photo is a joy and a delight. As you are.
    And spring is very almost here too.

    1. Thank you, dear EC.
      I'm looking forward to coming photos of your garden in its spring splendour :)

  2. Gorgeous pictures! Thank you. Good luck in your endeavors. :)

    1. Thank you, Cheerful Monk :)
      It's a crazy time coming up, but it keeps me focussed, and I (mostly) enjoy the joys and challenges of markets :)

  3. I love that first photo, what setting did you use on your camera?
    I've been seeing blossoms here for quite a while and this morning the first of my anemones opened.

    1. I usually have my camera set to "landscape". Point and shoot... easy :)
      Also looking forward to seeing your spring garden photos, River.

  4. GORGEOUS, SIMPLE GORGEOUS morning sunshine-view...very magical!... *swoon*... And sweet blossoms too...*sigh*... Almost spring there. And here summer is gently, just beginning letting go of her green coat. Will very much look forward to seeing what you create/sell for the new season. Any thing special for Christmas? Whoops... I said the C-word. ;o) LOTS of LOVE to you, my friend ((HUGS))

    1. The fog does lend such a magical atmosphere. Sometimes, it's so thick we can only see a few metres in front of us.
      I've been braving the cold and throwing on my wheel outside - there's no room for it inside. Looking forward to some warmer days out there.

      Yes, Christmas really isn't that far away, when having to make for end of year markets :)
      Enjoy the balmy end to your summer, waaay up north xx

  5. Robin Williams ashes were spread across our beloved San Francisco Bay. some of us floated out white paper cranes with our best wishes and respects. I made one for you, Vicki, I do hope you don't mind. I couldn't respond to your last post as I went camping the news broke. It took great courage and such great love and trust in us to write your post. I am honored. Your photos are beautiful. Have a great time in the studio and markets :-)

    1. What a beautiful, soulful tribute to a much loved man.
      I am honoured and humbled, more than I can say without tears, that you made a delicate paper crane for me, Charlene.
      Thank you xx

  6. Fantastic light photo! It should be framed! Betcha' you could sell this, along with your hand crafted items.

    And the photo of "light after dark" is beautiful too. Your photography is wonderful.

    Ahhhhh yes, the Wheel Of The Year is turning, all around the world. :-)

    Gentle hugs,

    1. Thank you Tessa, it really was a right place, right time occurrence. I'm ever impressed with my trusty little camera.
      Enjoy the coming soft light, as the wheel turns more slowly into your beautifully coloured autumn.
      I'm looking forward to your fall photos :)

  7. Vicki, that first photo of the sun's rays is breath takingly beautiful! I agree with Tessa, you should sell your photos along with your other items. I hope the spring/summer/Christmas market season is wildly successful for you.



    1. You're too kind, Victoria, really.
      My photography skills are nowhere near the standard that yours are though.
      I still think it would be lovely to see your beautiful images in a calendar... perhaps one day? :)

    2. Ummm...maybe? I still have to work on that self-confidence thing...



  8. Whoa, that first photo is truly amazing!
    It's been so hot here that when I walk outside my glasses fog up.
    Yep, that's the kind of weather we are having, when coming from a cool interior my glasses have to be wiped off.
    I'm having trouble doing the blog thing myself. Just too many othethings that need to be done.
    The kennel is busy with Labor Day coming but after that....
    I hope to finally start drawing/painting again....on my Kanga book.
    Sigh, so much to do and just not enough time and... to be really honest, my head just hasn't been in the right place.
    I look forward to seeing your creations for the coming season!

    1. I imagine you're looking forward to the cooler weather - a respite from heat. I know the feeling, towards the end of a long, sweltering summer.

      It seems a busy time for many at the moment - and only getting busier towards Christmas.
      I hope you do take precious time out to work on your book. And, art is a wonderful way to de-stress and focus inward. Let your creative spirit soar :)

  9. I'm enjoying your blog. Pretty face too. On the other side of the equator, almost the other side of the world. You're going into Spring & we (USA) are going into Fall. Nice to meet you!

    1. So lovely to meet you too!
      As autumn is my favourite season, I get to enjoy it twice a year now, as I see all the glorious images on blogs from the Northern Hemisphere :)

  10. my vicki
    dear girl across the sea.
    i loved the pictures of the dogs. oh. dogs. such joy. such good medicine. but this one with the ... light. so beautiful.
    i have just caught up with all the posts i've been missing. i'm back looking at least at one blog a day.
    the afib left me so weak ... like a poor bedraggled half starved kitten... wondering "what the heck just happened!? "

    only i'm not half starved by any means! it's just how you feel. each day getting stronger though.
    and the shoulder healing all on its own. who says you HAVE to operate on a torn rotator cuff? I SAY NOT! not having it.
    i'm adding natural alternatives to the hypertension problem. my goal is to eventually get off all their poisonous meds.

    your post on robin williams ...
    a masterpiece of heart and soul and suffering. as only one who's been there could write. he and you ... beloved.

    wishing you well on all your markets to come. pace yourself dear heart.
    hug my blue boy for me. my jack. nose kisses til i see that grin.
    know that you both are so very precious.
    ... furever.

    1. Oh Tam, it is so good to read your words and, "hear your voice" here.
      I've missed you.....

      I'm glad you are keeping a strict regimen on blog reading, a little at a time.
      If you can ask your wonderful Marine to drop by a health shop and pick up a tub of Arnica or Comfrey ointment/cream, it will help your rotator cuff healing very much.
      And, as little bedraggled kittens know, slow and steady is the way to rest and recuperate - lots of rest and cat naps :)
      I'm glad the weather is turning kinder for you know - wonderful, cooler autumn. The best time to go within and allow a slower, restorative healing of your heart.
      I've thought of you often and worried, of course.

      Poor Jack has been ill - tooth abscess. He will be at the vets on Monday for removal of a cracked tooth - poor boy, he's been so stoic.
      I'll lavish him with hugs and Tammy kisses on his head - he'll know who they're from.

      Take care dearest little wren. Never far from my thoughts.
      Furever xxx


Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I would love to read your comments and will reply as soon as I can :)