Saturday, 22 March 2014

Reading, books and cats


Edward Gorey 
Eccentric American writer and artist noted for his illustrated books… and cats.


  1. That last one is hilarious - and so true. Most cats I've met certainly have that sense of entitlement and glance at you haughtily, while wondering why you aren't prosrate and grovelling in their presence.

    I adore books and am never without one. It was an early obsession and my mother would despair of me as I sat with my nose in a book at every opportunity, while the potatoes burned, the washing machine flooded the laundry and the chooks escaped. Things haven't changed much (she says eyeing the dust bunnies that are nearly as big as the dog...)

    1. That's what I love about cats, their independence and haughtiness. As if they are sizing one up. Their first impressions can be pretty spot on :)

      I too love books. Sadly, I haven't read many lately - my art takes up most of my time. But, I also used to have my nose permanently between the pages of many a book.
      And, I resented having to stop reading to get "mundane" chores done.

      As for dust bunnies, I often have dog hair spinifex rolling across the floor towards the corners. Not much has changed there for me either :)

  2. LOVE this post.
    And books don't want you to cook for them, just when you have got to an 'exciting bit' either.
    Sadly, our cats are jealous of my books (perhaps with reason).

    1. I thought of you, EC, when I found the beautiful black cat. Well, I thought of Jazz and Jewel actually ;)

      I so know what you mean about stopping at an exciting bit in a book "just" to make dinner, and love how a good book can capture you within its pages and not let you go.
      I admire clever authors... and illustrators.

  3. LOLOL!!! I love this post!
    especially terry prachett's quote. like the old saying ... dogs have a family. cats have staff. LOLOL.
    and you know i couldn't do without books. real books. not kindle. but i guess kindle saves trees. oh my.
    hemingway loved his cats too. and in his home that is now a treasure in key west... cats from the original family of his cats roam the premises.
    they lounge on benches in the gardens and have special little houses just for them. wonderful!
    xoxo ♥

    1. I much prefer "real" books to. They'll never replace the tactile, sensory joy as we read new stories, or, revisit old friends.

      Must Google Hemingway's home for cats :)

  4. LOVE this post!
    Especially the photo of Edward Gorey. I admire his work and was so happy to see that he created with animals around and on top of him too!
    (I always have someone on my lap!)
    and of course, LOVED the black cat.

    1. Thanks Cynthia.
      And, if being "eccentric" is writing/illustrating quirky and cool work, amid the company of animals, then that's the type of character I really like :)

  5. Vicki, this is a great post! The quote by Edward Gorey is one of my favorites. I traveled to Florida in the late 90's just so I could see Hemingway's home on Key West and, more importantly, his polydactyl cats! There is a staff and an on-site veterinarian to care for them. Every time I hear about a hurricane approaching Florida, I worry about those cats...well, and all the other animals and humans in the path of the hurricane, too.

    1. I looked up polydactyl cats, and was absolutely fascinated! Thank you Victoria, I hadn't heard about them before.
      So nice to read that Hemingway had a soft spot in his heart for felines. :)

  6. Books and cats! Tow of my favourite things.
    Although if I had to choose the books would win.
    Every time.

    1. Luckily, or hopefully, the choice doesn't have to be made, and you can enjoy both :)

  7. It is a pity that learning by osmosis is still in question... I like to think I'm absorbing enough, but maybe not... So I better read more--LOL! FUN post, Vicki, lots to think about! BOOKS and CAT... two of my fave things too. ;o) Happy Day ((LOVE & HUGS))

    1. I can just imagine a certain ginger marmalade kitty on your lap as you read a good book by the fire :)

  8. I enjoyed that!

    Greetings from Minneapolis,


    1. Thank you Pearl.
      I see you have a new book, "The Second Book of Pearl: The Cats".
      Will have to check it out, looks great! :)

  9. I am trying to catch up on my blog reading, too! We have a wonderful independent bookstore in Mendocino. It has a very large, expressive and handsome cat. He loves to sit on top of the dog books. He pretty much ignores everyone, too. Another bookstore I love is in Half Moon Bay and their cat loves to sit in the window and ignore all the tourists tapping on the window. She doesn't ignore book buying customers, though. Think she knows the real book lovers? Love this post, Vicki. I was missing my sweet Moku (named after the glaze Tenmoku) who loved to watch me work on the wheel. Thank you, Vicki.

    1. Hi Charlene,
      I love places of commerce that have much loved animals. They give good energy and presence.
      Of course the big beautiful cat in Mendocino sits upon the dog books, haha.
      And, that is a very discerning cat who greets the books buyers, but ignores the rest.
      What a perfect name for a sweet clay artist's cat, Moku.


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