Thursday, 17 October 2013

To everything, turn, turn, turn...

... there is a season, turn, turn, turn.

I know, a retro song again. Seems I just can't help myself ;)

This morning, I was thinking about the change of seasons. Then, I thought of the above titled song by The Byrds, which was also featured in the movie Forrest Gump - the scene where Jenny says goodbye to Forrest, then boards the bus back to California.

And, now it won't get out of my head.

So, if you remember, or know of, this song and hum it once, you'll have an earworm for the rest of the day. Sorry in advance, folks, heh heh.


While autumn is dialling down the temperature in the Northern Hemisphere, and beginning to dazzle with her beautiful brazen golden-red palette, spring has been delighting us down south with her cheery blooms, sweet scents and lovely lime leafage.

It stays cooler for a little longer here on the mountain.
There are still more grey days than sunny. And some of winter’s fading blooms remain to keep company with the newcomers… just for a little while longer.

From wonderful Waratahs and pretty Proteas to jaunty Jonquils, here is a selection of pics that I’ve snapped on our weekend walks over the past few weeks.

And remember, you can click on the images for a closer look.

I adore Hellebores (winter rose), and am happy to have them hang around through early spring.

Here, spot Mr. Beezlee among the blossoms.

 I wonder who's expecting?

You can always tell the warmer weather is coming when these guys stealthily creep out from their darkened, dusty abodes.

This long-legged lovely spans about 3 inches wide.

I usually leave them alone when they stay above eye-level inside. But, once they come down below that, it’s outside they go. Gently and safely unharmed. For, they have an important role to play in this world.
I just think they have a bigger range of snacks to choose from outside – that’s what I tell them anyway :)

Years ago, after washing my face one morning, I blindly reached for my towel and patted my face dry.
The towel “wriggled” on my cheek, and as I pulled it away, I saw a large huntsman sitting on the towel – right where my face had been!
I don’t know who was more shocked - me or spidey. Poor thing. Luckily, he was face fangs down on the towel, so all I felt were his hairy legs and body writhing against my skin.
Haha! I can almost hear the collective, “eeeeeuw’s” all the way from here :)

Fascinated by this amazing web seen recently.

Not sure if it was built by a Funnel Web spider. I didn’t think they lived in Victoria.
Now that’s a spider I wouldn’t like to mess with.

And, here's Jack,

bringing in the kindling - one stick at a time.
Okay blue-boy, no more firewood for a while now, xx.

Well, I’ve taken you from songs to seasons to spiders and finally, silver-blue soldiers. What a mixed bag!

Have a wonderful, safe coming weekend everyone.


  1. Earworms and spiders and lovely doggies and beautiful flowers (I love hellebores too) - what a mixture!

    Yes, you had me absolutely squirming at the thought of that spider on the towel. What is it about that which makes us so horribly queasy? Yes, they're ugly and hairy and stuff, but my reaction feels so over the top violent at the thought of that, haha! :)

    Thanks for this post. It was relaxing ... with a bit of creeped-out thrown in, finishing on a lovely note with that lovely Blue-Boy :)

  2. There's nothing like a good spidey jolt to wake one up in the morning! I check my towels ever since then :D

    I have a theory on why some/many of us humans have a fear of venomous creatures. I think it is a "genetic fear", that goes waaaay back to when there were no cures for a lethal bite.
    So, if a family member was bitten or stung by a poisonous snake, spider, scorpion etc., it was pretty much the end for them.

    Even though today (since only around a hundred years), there are antivenins for bites and stings, we carry an ancient fear of potential death deep within.

    Me, I think I court death too often. As I have an extreme curiosity of snakes in particular, and have gone far too close to many of them in the past when we lived in W.A. Tiger snakes especially - I've been less than a metre from them as they lay basking on the bush paths and roads. And have seen them flatten their neck at me for my trouble.
    Perhaps the genetic fear imprint skipped me :)

    1. Your theory sounds extremely plausible! Ooh, tiger snakes - I've come close to them as well, as a child visiting my cousins' farm in Nagambie in country Victoria. It was a story for the schoolyard for this suburban kid - having to walk past it very gently so as not to disturb it. Sounds like you have had many closer brushes :)

      Snakes are fascinating, aren't they. Such beautiful skins. So much metaphor and folklore around them too. Poor things, they've got a bad rap in Christian circles, but they seem to have been much more widely vaunted in cultures previous to that.

    2. You did well at a young age not to panic and run. Very sensible.
      They will never trouble anything bigger than their food source, as it's a waste of their venom, and will only strike when threatened or hurt/stepped on.
      Yes, snakes are so very fascinating - I get far too mesmerised by them.

      I agree, snakes and other animals have been given a bad rap by Christians - especially goats. They are so not demonic! That used to make me angry, as we had goats for years. They are SO incredibly intelligent, and the most loving creatures you could care to meet.
      I think, next to dogs, my favourite animal is the goat.

      Hope you're enjoying this lovely cool, yet sunny weather. And, how's about those cicadas - loud! First spring-summer I've heard them since we moved here a few years ago.

    3. Awww, beautiful goatie-oatie-oatie-oatie-oaties. They are lovely. I've not had much experience with them though.

      The weather is beautiful, isn't it? The cicadas are speaking out the window as we speak. Lovely! :)

  3. Vicki, I catch spiders and take them outside, too. This time of year, though, when I know it's getting colder I feel guilty about putting them back out in the cold, but if they stay in here my cats eat them! Well, unless it's a brown recluse (violin spider) or black widow. They're both deadly, so if I find one of those I squash it very quickly, hoping they feel no pain. They can't help what they are, but I won't risk my cats getting bitten by one of them. Thankfully (knock on wood) I've never found a scorpion in the house.

    Such beautiful you've got me longing for Spring! Thank you for posting them. The song by the Byrds...not so much. Evil woman! :-D Now I'll have that song playing in my head all night.


    Victoria (give Jack a hug from me!)

    1. Don't worry Victoria, the spiders you put out will probably either find their way back into the roof or another dwelling or shed.

      Well, you can enjoy spring here, and I will enjoy autumn over at your beautiful blog :)

      Haha! Earworms, hard to get out of one's head aren't they?

      Hugs for Jack delivered! Any excuse to give him another cuddle :D

  4. I too escort spiders outside. Except for the whitetail which fanged me while I was in the shower. It died - I am obviously toxic to spiders. I didn't mean to kill it - but it bit me and died.
    Love your spring. Such a beautiful time of year - thank you.

    1. Very interested and curious to know that you were bitten by a white-tail. Di you have any "reaction". No minor necrosis or even inflammation?
      People react very differently to these spiders. And it is greatly dependent on what bacteria is in their system/fangs at the time of the bite.
      They are unlike other spiders and a very interesting study.

      Very glad you were OK. Poor spider. Shhh, don't tell the "authorities" about your resistance to the toxin - they might whisk you away for experimentation and tests ;)
      Don't mind me, the conspiracy theorist, lol.

      I'm enjoying spring and holding on to the still cool days - before summer hits, ugh.

    2. It hurt heaps at the time, and throbbed while I continued my shower. Then no problems at all. Which is interesting because I usually react badly to insects - bees, ants, mosquitoes all bring me up in HUGE welts. And ooze.
      Early signs here are that summer will be long and hot. Not happy.

    3. You were very lucky with the spider bite. I've personally seen some horrendous damage done by these spiders - even my dentist lost half of her little finger to a white tail bite.

      High summer :( Hope you stay safe there.

  5. You have oak trees! I'm in love with oak trees, every year I tell myself I should head up into the hills in autumn and photograph the changing oak trees.
    Are Hellebores a bulb or seed? I want to grow some.
    Retro songs are the best. I have that one on my ipod.

    1. I too love oaks. These trees are (sadly) not on my property. I never miss an opportunity to admire them on my walks.

      Hellebores are so lovely. Easy to grow in shaded conditions.
      They are herbaceous perennials, and can be grown from seed or buy seedlings - the plant catalogues usually have them. Or I know of an excellent online Aust nursery to buy from, if you're interested.
      If you grow them from seed, sometimes it can help to sprinkle them onto damp peat moss, put in a plastic bag and freeze them for a few weeks to simulate the cold winter they would experience in the wild.
      Once in the ground, they will seed away if they're happy.
      ***Handle them with gloves, and remember to wash your hands afterwards, as they're poisonous - their defence in protecting themselves from predators.
      Don't let that put you off growing them though, unless you have pets that would chew on them - they are toxic to dogs, cats and horses.

      I have a soft spot for so many retro songs. They don't make 'em like they used to :)

  6. P.S. pretty sure that isn't a funnelweb web, their webs usually feature a tunnel like opening that leads into somewhere deep and dark, never out in the open like that. Watch it closely, not that closely...and see what type of spider goes to it. Possibly the huntsman?

    1. OK, I had my suspicions that it may not be a funnel web - I think the "tunnel" threw me. We don't have them in W.A., so I wasn't sure.
      I'm fascinated by creatures and their habitats.

      Huntsmans don't usually have webs, as they hunt and forage for their food. Their spinnerets are for making egg sacs.

  7. Vicki, I just saw the horrible fires in Australia, I hope you and yours aren't anywhere near them. Sending lots of wishes for rain to put the fires out...



    1. Thank you for your kind thoughts, Victoria.

      The fires are in New South Wales, which is also one of the eastern states above us here in Australia. It is terrible, and the conditions are deteriorating. Nearly 200 homes have gone. Very sad.
      It does not look good for the fire season this year and we - especially those of us in the forested areas - are concerned and will need to be on high alert.

      Mid-summer is the one time where I worry about our choice to live in dense bushland.

      Our thoughts go out to those who've been evacuated in NSW, those who've lost everything and are also sending wishes for rain to dampen the raging fires.

      Thank you again Victoria xx

  8. Vicki, I'm so relieved you and yours are fine. My heart goes out to those who have lost their homes, both human and animal. Our worst time of danger here is from late summer until we get our first big rain, usually around the middle of November. And, like you, that's the time when I really question if it's still safe to live here. Every living being and thing in the fire zones, and areas of high fire danger, are in my thoughts...



    1. A state of emergency has been declared across New South Wales as conditions are worsening - the winds play havoc as the fires rage. Thousands of firefighters have been working constant shifts, and hundreds coming in from other states. Much backburning going on.

      And always, so very, very sad for the animals and birds - it's nesting time now. So many babies lost.
      It's so early in the season and that's a real concern for this summer.

      I truly hope you will receive rain very soon for your beautiful mountain and inhabitants (human and animal) especially as you are still in a fire danger time also.

  9. Oooohhhh... LOVE all the flowers, Vicki! And I LOVE the retro songs... And I loved Forrest Gump movie. :o) What a good lad, is Jack...he's so beautiful! You can keep the spiders, though. ;o) The leaves are falling fast here, and we changed our clocks back last weekend. It's been lovely noticing the change & qualities of light every day this week. It's good to be back here visiting you! Recent weeks, months really, have been very tough, as you know. But things are looking up now! I posted today for the first time in weeks...LOL! HAPPY DAYS! ((LOVE & HUGS))

    1. Welcome back Tracy, so glad to see you :)

      Enjoy the wonderful slow-ing of the year as the wheel turns golden red xx

  10. oh my jack.
    thank god she ended this horror story with YOU! LOLOL.
    you do know that your mom is an incredible mystic woman that loves all . . . make that ALL beings . . . even the crawly ewwwy ones!
    you're lookin' so good my beautiful blue boy. hugs to you. and loads of love. xoxo

    1. Big nose smooches from Jack to you, Tam.
      And, a big hug from me.
      Furever xxx


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