Thursday, 3 October 2013

Indigo Sunrise

On the weekend, hubby went for a super early ride along beautiful Port Phillip Bay.

It had been a grey stormy night and, as the sun began to push off the dark purple blanket to reveal a bright golden dawn, he couldn't resist the opportunity to snap a pic on his iPhone.

I'm so glad he did - what a stunner! And, one of the benefits of rising early.

Beautiful image courtesy of hubby - thanks T xxx

I've made him promise that whenever he's out and about and sees, "something promising", to take a photo to share here on my blog.

Stay safe and well everyone.


  1. That is an incredible dawn. The sort that has me standing with my mouth open. Thank you - and thank him for me too please.

    1. Hubby says, "you're very welcome".
      He's a super early bird, so hopefully, there'll be more lovely dawn pics over spring/summer :)

  2. Beautiful colour contrasts there. I haven't seen dawn in quite a while.

    1. They are lovely contrasts.
      Through his and EC's camera, you'll get to experience the early morning often hopefully :)

  3. Wow. How beneficial for us that he is a super early riser.

    So is my partner. I'm sort of jealous. It's just that even with the help of melatonin I can barely get up when I need to at 7am, let alone super early. But I love the thought of getting up when it's still dark. Something so lovely about beginning the day with that kind of beauty.

    Are you an early riser, Vicki?

    1. He's always been the early bird and I've been the owl :)
      But, many years in the country, necessitated the need to be up while it was still dark.

      These days, I don't always rise as early as I'd like to. But, on market days - especially Red Hill - I'm up and loving the soft dark before the dawn.
      Especially travelling the blessedly empty roads.

      The problem is, getting up at 4:30am when I hit the sheets at 1:00am!
      That was norm for me once. But is more difficult as I get older :)

      I so agree, I do think it's a beautiful time - while the rest of the world still slumbers. And, I hope to be out very early in the cool mornings soon, before the heat of approaching summer days.

    2. Haha, yes, 3.5 hours sleep is rather not enough :)

      Red Hill - I remember as a teenager rebellious unruly male friends of mine used to go up there (most likely in stolen cars) to hunt for magic mushrooms. I never partook of those myself, but a small part of me wishes I had after hearing of a friend's experience of a full clothesline of clothes waving to him from out in the garden. That visual has always made me laugh :) I would only like to choose a friendly experience though, and you cannot guarantee that. Hence the risk is too great. Anyway, I am rather too old to begin taking drugs (although I must say, reading about people's ayahausca experiences, I can't say I'll never ever NOT do that. And a high school friend and I have made a pact that in the year when we both turn 70 we are going to get together and get high :p Should be an interesting experience, haha.

      I haven't been to Red Hill for 20 years or so, and then a few months ago I went up to see the sculpture prize at Montalto. It was my first time there, and it won't be my last. It was definitely worth driving to :)

      I have just had a look at the time the Kallista Markets are on today ... I'm not sure I will make it. I'm running in first gear, with a bit of a cloggy head, in my bathrobe, and it's already 10.30 am. And more pertinently, I haven't got a cent to spare apart from what I will be spending on food shopping later this afternoon ... and I do not wish to come to your stall without buying one of your lovely wares :)

      So am I chickening out today? Perhaps just a little - scaredy cat :) But that doesn't mean we can't meet up at some other time, right? Maybe one day next week for a coffee, or a walk would be nice in the beautiful area we are both blessed to live in.

    3. Well, it was a bit crazy at the markets this morning. The high winds played merry hell on the marquee and I spent a good deal of time worrying about what might blow away! There was some rain too - not a lot, but enough to put some people off, as it was a medium to slow day. But, markets can be fickle in all weather.
      And, of course, half an hour after we pack up, the sun comes out and shines on a pretty afternoon.
      Oh well, it was good catching up with lovely market buddies :)
      Your 70th sounds like it'll be a blast, haha! And, ayahuasca. I've heard some interesting things about it - good and bad - not only from David Icke.
      Let me know when you want to catch up, and I'll shout you a coffee :)

    4. Coffee sounds lufferly, once I get rid of this lurgy that has turned out to be a sinus infection :)

  4. *BIG SWOON* Your title for this, Indigo Sunrise is so perfect too. Seeing this lifts my morning, here on this gray, rain day in the Far North. :o) Happy weekend, dear Vicki ((HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy.
      Hubby is chuffed with the lovely comments - I'm sure it'll encourage him to take more photos when he's out and about :)

      Have a peaceful weekend way up in beautiful Norway.
      Hugs xx

  5. Breathtaking photo...perfect title...early morning air is the best it does feel invigorating ...we don't "see" sunrise here as we face west to the Pacific and have as coastal range in the way. By the time we see the Sun's face it's nearly 9 am and we are off doing things. Thank you VIcki's husband for such a beautiful picture. Happy sunny weekend....

    1. Hubby says,"thank you", Charlene :)
      I bet you have some stunning sunsets in your lovely part of the world.
      Wishing you a safe, happy, inspirational weekend!

  6. What a gorgeous photo! Tell your husband I said "thank you" for taking it!

    Hope you're having a wonderful weekend, Vicki (and your husband, too, of course).



    1. Thank you Victoria. Hubby is smiling at the lovely comments he's getting.
      May your weekend be wonderful, and safe, too :)

  7. HHHMMMmmm... so there ARE benefits to rising early! Who knew?!?!?! I'll have to give it a go sometime ... but it'd be hard to outdo THIS shot!!!

    1. A compliment indeed, coming from you, Red! So many of your photos are award worthy.
      Hubby will be flattered, thank you :)

  8. food for the soul!


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