Add to that
- and I speak for myself -
- Procrastinate
- Feel lost when their muse goes on vacation
- Daydream instead of doing the housework
- Exist in another dimension where time is of no consequence
- Can be hard to live with when “in the zone”….. which is often :)
My poor hubby.
I suspect your 'poor hubby' knows that the benefits of living with a creative person outweigh the minuses. By a loooong shot.
ReplyDeleteI should add that quite a number of the items on that creative people list apply equally to the non-creative. I am certainly guilty of 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 on a regular basis. And most of your personal additions too.
I don't believe for one second that you're "non-creative", EC. If that's what you allude to ;)
DeleteAnd, I've seen the evidence of your very beautiful hand-work, along with your gorgeous garden, for gardeners are creative souls.
I am an appreciator rather than a creator. My hand-work is essentially colour by number...
DeleteAdd "humble" to that list...
Oh, that list and yours, is me to a T. Maybe your husband and my husband should form a support group, tee hee!
ReplyDeleteThey should. And, I imagine there would be many group members worldwide :D
Deletehaha... oh, yes--my hubby can relate too! ;o) I can put a claim on most of these, as well as the ones you add to the list too. Although, I have to say I don't get bored easily. And I'm beginning to learn how to see that some rules are OK to have, actually... a work in progress that one--just like me! LOL... This was FUN! Happy week, dear Vicki ((HUGS))
ReplyDeleteI agree, boredom is low on my list, and mostly relates to "convention".
DeleteI do get distracted easily though...
Hubbies of artists are true gems, I think :)
Awwwwwww, none of us are perfect! Gotta' remember that! At all times!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd then, try to pull ourselves up, at least far enough, to not take-it-out-on-hubby. ,-))))))))
Wishing you some whimsey and magic, in your week,
Thanks Tessa. Whimsey and magic are the order of the day, most days, around my studio :)
DeleteNo, hubby doesn't fare too badly. But, I do feel for him when I prepare madly for markets.
Oh my goodness, Vicki, this post made me laugh on this foggy, messy morning. I like your addendum. It's check, check, check,check,check for me...thank you, Vicki......
ReplyDeleteI think most of us will have a giggle at these points, Charlene - we're all too familiar with them ... at least I know I am.
DeleteEnjoy your wonderful fog and its ethereal qualities :)
i love lists! this one made me smile huge.
that doesn't even look like a word now. LOLOL.
i'm like you admit... boredom is low on my list too. actually i never get bored.
i do get listless sometimes. no pun intended. :)
and as a gemini... well. all the rest pretty much applies. except I've never thought of myself as creative.
unless you consider a pretend life fully enjoyed a creation! LOL.
and tim... adores you and would have you no other way!!! XOXOXO♥
Listless, lol :)
DeleteYes, I'd have to say, "bored" rarely, if ever, is in my vocab. With the stuff going on in my head, there's no room for boredom.
You are creative, Tam. You have a good sense for so many things. I've read all your posts, so I know that even back in the day, you were very creative!
And, I haven't met another Gemini yet that wasn't :)
I'm guilty of all 15
ReplyDeleteExcept #2
I guess my #16 would be -
Worry to much.
Haha, yes, I'd have "worry" on my list too. Along with, Fear rejection, and bashful at praise.
Guess I'm not really creative. I don't follow all of those points.
ReplyDeleteI do Dream Big, but I sure as heck get the housework done first.
You and my hubby would get on well :)
DeleteHe's very pragmatic, and not at all like I am.
I'll do anything to get out of housework, and my studio draws me in....