Saturday, 24 May 2014

Pet therapy

I've been feeling a little blue and out of sorts lately.  And, as today is my birthday, my sweet son sent me this clip of, dogs reacting to cats sleeping in their beds.

I'm sure many of you have seen this video.   I hadn't, and got a kick out of it.  The desired result of smiles, giggles - and tears, made me feel much better.

For those who'd like to watch the often hilarious, and heartwarming, relationship between cats and dogs in a home, here it is. *Turn the sound on and watch in "fullscreen" if you can.

Just when you think cats have total dominion over their kingdom, the tables turn, and the dogs win out..... for now :)


  1. Happy Birthday.
    I am so sorry you have been going through a rough patch. Unfair.
    Loved the video - there are no dogs in this household at the moment so the cats evict me from my bed. And one of them (Jazz of course) has been known to smack me for thinking I had any right to it.
    I have sent you a video of big cats playing - which I hope also makes you smile.

    1. Thank you so much, EC :)

      And, those large felines are a delight to see, thank you. Such stunning creatures. Easy to see their characteristics echoed in our beautiful domesticated cats. I say, "domesticated", but I think you'll agree, sometimes, they seem just one step removed from their wild cousins.

      I have visions of Jazz batting you out of bed... naughty, beautiful, ebony boy :)

      At first I thought I saw a lion and a tiger at play, but then thought it might be a liger?? Not sure. But gorgeous to see them all the same.
      Nature - the best therapy.

  2. does he know you or what?
    that would do it for me too. nothing makes me not sad as seeing animals. especially when they make me laugh.
    happy birthday dear girl!
    i thought about sending you a t shirt i saw on the web. it was grey. it said mercury is in - - - -'n retrograde. you couldn't wear it in public. :D
    with the time warp between here and there... i hope your day was super happy! XOXO

    1. He certainly does. He's a tonic, that boy. And, went to great effort to make an amazing chocolate/coffee vegan cake! So sweet - he and the cake :)

      I'll have to have a browse for that t-shirt online... I have NO problem with 'that' word, said appropriately, anywhere, anytime, lol!

      Thanks Tam, I did have a busy and super day with all three of my boys ♥

  3. I've seen this before and I love it. I really like the dogs pulling the beds around trying to dislodge the cats, but I like the end best where the dogs and cats share the beds.

    1. I laughed out loud at the dogs dragging their "occupied" beds around, doing whatever they could to dislodge the occupants :)
      And, loved the end, where they finally settled to share the beds too.

  4. Happy Birthday!!!!!
    LOVE that video. I laughed out loud as the dogs were dragging the beds with the cat still in it.
    But I really loved when they were in bed together, cleaning faces.
    My Blue will walk over, look at whoever in his bed and just sat to lay on them! That makes them run for their lives.
    And Jimmy? he's disgusting. He will just start "humping" the cats and they HATE that!
    Birthdays tend to make me blue too. But tomorrow it will be better! xoxo

    1. Thanks Cindi! I laughed out loud too. Then, got teary when they cuddled together. Awww.
      Cats and dogs can be such great house mates.
      And, your tribe are fantastic! xx

  5. Happy Birthday, Vicki! Although, what with the time thing, I'm probably a day late...but good wishes for the happiness of friends have no expiration date!

    What a cute video, reminded me of the happy days when I had both dogs and cats. My favorite part was when they all settled in together...just like they used to in my home.



    1. Thanks so much Victoria. And, birthday wishes are never too late, so true :)

      It's heartwarming to see them nestled together, ready for a nap. And, then it all begins again :D

      Blow a kiss to Mrs. Rose from me, when you see her next. xx

  6. Thank you for the video and so thoughtful of your son to send you smiles and fun and so lovingly crazy sweet...yesterday all the families went home with their dogs, cats and even a green cheek conure--all rescued from bad situations. So it is very quiet here again. Listen close, Vicki---I am singing you some Birthday best wishes across the Pacific Ocean.......

    1. Oh, the song of the siren was you, Charlene? Of course, I should've known ;)

      It takes a while to readjust to a quiet household, doesn't it? And, there's a touch melancholy, after all the bustle.
      But, that's when our old friend, clay, waits silently and patiently, to be reacquainted with. Time for inner conversation now.

  7. Hi Vicki
    Happy birthday wishes a little late. Sorry for the blues, I know a cure, get some chicks! They are so fun!

    1. Thanks Tracey :)
      Ahh chickies. I've raised quite a few in my time, and yes, I well know how much fun they are!
      One day, when we have the room, I'll have wee chicks again.
      In the meantime, I love seeing yours... so sweet.

  8. Oh, I missed this post - and it was your birthday, too. Happy excessively belated birthday, Vicki. I do hope you're feeling a bit less blue xo

    PS: This vid was adorable. Go doggies!!

    1. Thanks Sue :)
      I love the relationships between dogs and cats in the same household.

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Vicki!! (A little belated) Wishing a beautiful, happy year, my friend! I hope some birthday fun will chase some blues away. ;o) VERY fun video... some smiles here too, sweet! ((LOVE & BIG HUGS))

    1. Thanks Tracy!
      Have a safe trip back home, and a wonderful time with your family :)

  10. Happy Belated Birthday, Vicki. I'm sorry I missed the actual day....the video your son shared is a riot! Hope your feeling much better. -Vickie

    1. Thanks Vickie :) It is a fun video. Love to see animals interacting in their home environment :)


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