Saturday 1 March 2014

Dog Days: March

His ears were often the first thing to catch my tears.
 ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning, referring to her cocker spaniel, Flush

 These velvet black ears have caught many of my tears over the years.



  1. Oh yes. And the ears of the fur babies in this house hear things I would not, could not tell anyone else. Our cats are both rescue cats - but have given me soooo much more than I have given them. And in cat fashion they remind me of that.

    1. We're ever and always grateful for our cherished companions. They do give us so, so much.

  2. I have a stuffed toy monkey that catches mine.

    1. Stuffed or real, it's nice to have ears to catch our tears :)

  3. Luckily my dog has ears the size of a satellite dish (that might be a slight exaggeration...). I have no idea what goes on in those little furry skulls, but I am in awe of their intuitive ability to just know when to be there and comfort us.

    1. That's a very sweet pup you have there, Marie.
      And, what beautiful, beautiful ears :)
      Our dear companions do have uncanny intuition and are so tuned in to us, it's incredible.

  4. Dogs and trees. What a beautiful world it is, full of dogs and trees.

    Your Jack is such a beautiful boy.

    Sorry, didn't make it to the market yesterday. Maybe next time I'll be feeling more sociable xo

    1. A world without trees to hug, or dogs to cuddle into and whisper our deepest secrets to, would be a sad world indeed.

  5. This post made me click on the "aussie" link on your sidebar and I landed on Jack's birthday. What a sweet dog, I love his face, he's so handsome.
    What a dear heart he is.
    I agree about the ears. My Blue has big soft white ears. I shudder to think how someone else might have cropped those velvet ears.
    He might not be able to hear me but I know that he understands me. He listens to me with his eyes. He looks to me and follows my lead.
    He was my heart and he too, has caught many of my tears. I'd be lost with out that big lug.

    1. He is a dear heart. Sweet, gentle, handsome and "knowing".
      His beautiful ears have been kissed more times than I could ever recall :)

      I'm so sad to think that your Blue was once so cruelly treated. Brings tears to my eyes that he now has a friend in you Cynthia - and your heart. Completely.

  6. Oh no Vicki! I'm sorry if my comment was misleading. Blue was never abused. I just meant that in my work at the vet clinic, I see many little Great Dane puppies being brought in to have their ears cut off and cropped so that they will stand up straight. My veterinarian does it but doesn't like doing it. He only does it because he thinks they might go somewhere else where they would butcher the ears. And he charges A LOT to do it. He says he wants them to really think about it before having it done. He also has an age cut off, I think it's 9 weeks to 12 weeks? If I remember right because he says after that it would be too painful.

    1. Oh... I'm glad I am corrected :) I'd hate to think anything had once happened to Blue, long ago.
      Thanks for that Cynthia.

      I hate the "cosmetic" cropping and docking of dogs. Must be so very painful. And unnecessary.

  7. Aren't they precious. The ones who mistreat them should be mistreated themselves - long and hard. My furchild stares holes in me and his expression often reflects what I'm feeling. They say dogs don't have expressions. Bah. My boy's eyebrows go up and down the same as any human's.

    1. I'm glad you say that Dana - I feel the same way. Human rights go out the window when an animal's rights are abused, as far as I'm concerned.

      And, dogs' expressions are so... expressive.
      I swear that's a smile on Jack's face when I come home. And, that's definitely a dirty look when his dinner isn't ready when he thinks it should be.
      And, as for the look on his face when he farts, well... :)

  8. Oh, soooo SUPER-SWEET! Give Jack a cuddle from me & Charlie. :o) We should all have such fur-cover tear-catchers. ;o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))

    1. Will do Tracy.
      Ditto on the cuddle to your ginger-marmalade Charlie.

  9. why am i crying? i don't know! yes. i do.
    it's sometimes long between your posts because you're busy and i know it. . . . so i wait.
    then i come by.
    i see the first line and my heart goes right up into my throat!
    then. . . i scroll . . .
    all is well. my beloved blue boy is fine. still. napping there all cozy.
    give him a nose kiss and a hug from me v.
    that beautiful wonderful little laughing faced silver boy. XOXO ♥

    1. Dear Tam. Yes, our blue boy is still smiley as ever, and snuggles happily next to me in bed in the mornings.

      The "Dog Days" are the single quotes on my calendar that I've decided to post at the beginning of every month.
      Oh, and by the way, if you scroll up on my sidebar, near the top, just below Jack's picture, you'll see "Follow by Email". You can pop your email in the blank box and hit submit. It'll let you know when a new post is up :)

      Nose kiss and hug delivered - he's lying by feet my as I type :)


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