Saturday, 22 September 2012


I left home at a young age, travelling and living a truly transient lifestyle and bunking at the grace of others. Never giving a thought to the future or putting down roots, all my possessions in a backpack.  "Home" was where I hung my pack. I was good at adapting to my environment and was content with that. For a time.

Years later, I met a gentle giant. A 6'2" rugby player - a kindred spirit - who was to become my husband. My thoughts slowly turned to throwing down my anchor. The yearning inside to create a sanctuary for the both of us was too keen to ignore.

A small 100 year old wooden cottage, set on just over an acre carved out of natural thick bushland and bordered by a creek, became our haven. Our sanctuary. Our Secret Hollow.

From ephemeral gypsy to bohemian 'home' maker.

During the sixteen years we lived there, we loved, fought, adopted and cared for animals of all kinds - domestic and wild, renovated, created beautiful gardens and most important, raised our wonderful son.
We weren't rich, not in financial terms, but we were happy.

I have the very best memories of that magical little place. It had an enchantment about it. A certain "something" - a Genius Loci.
For the first time in my life, I really felt connected enough to truly honour the title of home. For, I felt I was at home in my heart and soul as well as my physical being.
Time went by in a blissful haze.

Employment opportunities for my husband deemed it necessary for us to move on and the following years have seen us imbue life, love and good vibes into various dwellings - rented and owned.
Lack of connection and security in my childhood years combined with the knowledge of what can truly make a house a home, motivate me to create a sanctuary for my family wherever we go and for however long we are there.

One day at work a few years ago, I was asked by a co-worker, "if you could be anywhere else in the world but here, where would you be?"  Without hesitation, I replied,
"home, in a heartbeat".


  1. And what a home you have made.
    Love you

  2. Warning! Incoming mushy reply... I couldn't have done it without you by my side. You're my rock and biggest supporter. Love you :) xxx

  3. i'm speechless.
    and for me. that is something.
    and the message from t.
    i have tears.
    i know you now.
    but now i can see you too. and this blog is you. it is simply beautiful. and you did it.
    you're a beautiful bohemian gypsy! (they always know the importance of home)
    here's a clink of the welcoming glass to my dearest friend from the other side of the world!
    ps... turned out i wasn't speechless. lol!
    in the little boxes . . . you need to add . . . inspiring. xo

  4. Thanks Tam! And, I have to say that without your gentle nudging, I'd still be deliberating and procrastinating.

    You're my inspirational pioneer :)

    I like the word "inspiration". Yes, I'll add that to the bottom, thank you.

    Hugs xx

  5. Vicki...
    I'm so happy to "see" you too. I added you to my blog roll. Thanks for adding me to yours.
    Will you show us some of your pottery? Hope so.
    Welcome to Blog Land!
    xo, Rosemary

  6. Thanks Rosemary! I have long loved your beautiful blog, as you know.

    Glad to be a part of the community now :)
    There will be pics a plenty of many glimpses into my world as time goes by.

    Have a lovely Sunday... and hugs to wonderful Webster! xo


Hello! Thanks for stopping by. I would love to read your comments and will reply as soon as I can :)